Aion Redshift why pwr_gnd?


Well-known member
Hi guys,

can anyone explain why the Aion Redshift needs the pwr_gnd around the IC3A in the LFO section (if that's it) ?
Madbean uses one gnd for everything on his version Kezuroukai the
And if the pwr_gnd is really needed, how do i connect the power jack?
Is pwr_gnd just an information that these ground pads should be connected among themselfs and only on one spot with the regular ground?
Aion FX has some boards with power ground pads that are connected directly to the DC jack, but if you look at the wiring diagram of the Redshift, it seems like no additional wiring is necessary, so the different grounds are already connected on the board.
Ground connections eventually have to meet at some point, but where they meet isn't arbitrary and can have an effect on noise, especially with LFOs, but also digital and analog grounds in the same effect. So, it can be beneficial to keep specific sub-circuit grounds isolated from one another and having them strategically meet in some other place, rather than connecting it all to the same ground plane, all for the sake of keeping noise low.
Thank you for the explanation. So where would then be a perfect place to hook up these two grounds?
Near the jack I suppose?
I'm asking because I want to make my own smaller pcb for this large project.
There are different approaches but a decent one is to have at least 2 star ground system meeting in one point:
- one star ground for "signal ground"
- one star ground for "power ground"

You could replace one ground system by a ground plane, typically the power ground.

You can have them meet at the ground of a largish capacitor in the power section of the pedal, which typically will be one jumper away from the power jack.