Aluminum build-up on drills

Ethanol does wonders for keeping the piezo starteranon your grill clean. Quick splash and a couple clicks and poof, carbon gone! All the carbon too! Even some of yours!
Clearly a shill for Big Bit. Ha! jk
Disclaimer, don't put ethanol on your grill. But if you do, please post the video.
I just keep an old file cleaning brush next to the drill and voila, done. Won’t damage anything, cheap, and no solvent or oil residue. Considering how soft aluminium is there is no need for anything else imo.
FWIW: I used to install access control and commercial security systems. Many, many a hole drilled into aluminum storefront mullions. BAR SOAP!! seriously, the cheapest bar of soap you can find, just a dab on the drill bits, and the aluminum comes off easily, or just tends to not stick.

Picked this one up from the framers, who would treat their chopsaw blades with it, prior to cutting steel studs, or the aluminum storefront extrusions.