Angry Andy

Looks good! As you noted, some of the wires could be a little shorter, but honestly it’s not bad at all. There’s production pedals out there with enough spaghetti for dinner and leftovers!
This is a great pedal. I built the AA plus which just has an extra boost circuit. It’s cool but I find I don’t use it and this version is a simpler build without it.
This is a great pedal. I built the AA plus which just has an extra boost circuit. It’s cool but I find I don’t use it and this version is a simpler build without it.
Good to know, thanks. I had ordered two LM833s so I built this and the Crunch Captain which is an even more simple design. Crunch Captain is nice and basic but I think this will get more use.
The AA works best with humbuckers for some reason I just can’t get it to jive well with single coils. Also the pedal can take a bunch of treble like the bright switch in my amp sounds amazing with this pedal