Bass friendly Informant?


Active member
I haven't gotten to play one but I hear the Informant is a great pedal but can be quite bright.

I play bass and am wanting to build one specifically for bass. What would you guys suggest? Should I pass on this build? Should I make some mods to it? Any simple ways to retain some low end?

If you've played it on guitar I'd like to hear from you as to how you think it'll work on bass. However, I'd especially like to hear from those who have tried it on bass.

Look at Rat mods since the 1981 is a modded rat.

From a brief search it looks like people are swapping the rats input cap to a 10uf and putting the output cap on a switch between stock and a bigger value, around 2.2uf.
Also socket and experiment with making C5 bigger. As is, C5 and R8 create a high pass filter cutting frequencies below 1.5kHz.

I’m thinking the input and output caps on the Informant are actually probably fine as is.
So I finally got around to working on this pedal. Switching C5 up to a 1uf DEFINITELY did the trick. I also upped C4 and C9 to 100nf. I’m not sure if C4 and C9 made a difference but it sure “feels” like it does. You know how that goes.

I think I’ll put in a switch to change the value on C5 between the original and the modded version. That way it’s playable on bass and guitar.

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