Well-known member
Makes sense, I'm exclusively talking about leaded caps.I think of SMD by default. Biggest SMD C0G I've seen in 0805 is 47nF, but this was a few years ago. I guess they're making them bigger now? Good to know.
Makes sense, I'm exclusively talking about leaded caps.I think of SMD by default. Biggest SMD C0G I've seen in 0805 is 47nF, but this was a few years ago. I guess they're making them bigger now? Good to know.
The quality of everything that is manufactured keeps getting worse and worse. Except for ceramic capacitors.Well, you made me look them up, and 0.1uF C0G is really a thing now even in 0704. I even found a whopping 0.47uF C0G in 1206 for under $1 in qty 10. Good times!
I totally goofed there. In my head are the old Panasonic EQCs... Metalized Plastic FilmIs that what these red ones are - polypropylene?
So true. I'll sometimes record DIs and use a reamp box to play them back straight into a pedal for the purpose of trying out different op amps or diodes or whatever. The amount of times I thought I heard a difference during the initial recording, only for every take to literally sound the same when played back to back, is a little humbling. I still like the fun of it though.What's fun about pedal building, though, is that you have complete control over what goes into a pedal. You can experiment. See what your ears like. Though, it should be noted, that your ears will lie to you. Like...all the time. Seriously, you're very likely to "hear" an improvement with a more expensive component simply because you paid more for it and that's what your mind expects to hear, even if there is literally no difference to the waveforms produced. Psychology is weird. Humans are unreliable.
What is the best place to get resistors? is at @Stickman393's house. Just sneak in while he is gone, he will never know how many you took.
Breaking news - The Cheap Suit Bandit caught red handed by meowing cat, footage at 11.This is remarkably accurate.
However, one would be wise to bring treats. The guard stick cat may fiercely paw and meow at intruders until they receive said treats.
If youre buying higher end parts, shop around on digikey, mouser, newark. And buy a quantity even 10 i think will beat taydas price considerably. I use a lot of kemet myself, i dont think anyone could honestly hear the difference. And newark had a pretty awesome sale recently. Their inventory can cause navigating to the right part to be intimidating but its not too bad.I almost bought some of those but it was going to limit the number of inventory units I could purchase by quite a lot. They were 40 cents each on Tyda. Maybe someday I’ll upgrade to Wima or just order to the build when necessary. But today, I only had $600 to work with and was trying to fully stock resistors, caps, and diodes, getting 100 of each value. I think I did pretty good. Got a lot of parts to keep me busy for awhile. I’ll check out that cap book.
One point of confusion for me that I think will clear up soon is that I hear about power vs signal path. I always thought that the way you amplify a signal is by mixing the super low voltage (created by the copper and magnets when the strings are played) with the circuits higher voltage created by the 9v power and transistor or op amp that magnifies that signal. But I hear the phrase “keep your audio signal path and your power separate” quite a lot.
I think those tropical fish caps look awesome. I’d like to build something with those someday.I prefer the blue of Kemet's polypropylene