Best place to order resistors?

I think those tropical fish caps look awesome. I’d like to build something with those someday.
the leads are fragile as h*ck, FYI

I'd love to have disposable cash (and space) and have all the colors; Kemet blue, TDK(?) yellow, Wima red, and Panasonic ...burnt umber. Then, just build a polychrome hot mess over purple PCBs. Maybe.

That reminds me of another thing about caps and colors: electrolytic. I would think it's just kind of a manufacturer's a e s t h e t i c choice. I have a number of Nichicon caps in both black and brown. But there's blue Spragues I've got, orange ones, I've seen green ones, gold ones, Wurth are red... I'm guessing it's just their preference?
+1 for Tayda. Get a lead bending tool and a decent digital caliper and you're set.
I 3d printed one of those lead benders at some point because it looked cool, but at least for 1/4w resistors and PPCB boards, if I grab the body of the resistor in my pliers and swipe the two leads down with my finger and thumb they seem to drop right in without any fuss.
Got my Tayda order and the resistors look great. Thicker leads than Amazon ones and no oxidation. Caps seem fine too. Thanks for the help making the decision. Worth the extra cost. I’ll try some of those other resources as well, but these will keep me busy for awhile.
If they're like me, they ordered the wrong size and even the smallest one is too big for the PedalPCB builds we're doing.
So we (I) just use... bare fingers, maybe needle-nose pliers sometimes. Mostly fingers.
oh totally. fingers for every pcb build.

but fuck me dead this would have been so useful for like, every single vero and tagboard pedal and amp build i’ve ever done. that’s all
I decided not to make a new thread, but I wondered if anyone else experienced this phenomenon:

I, because I'm forgetful Jones, ordered some 220nF Wima caps from Mouser, while already having ordered some from Tayda a while ago.

The Tayda ones all measure very closely in spec, (like 218 to 228ish nF) but the ones from Mouser are waaaay out. Like they're either 188, 200, or 244 nF. Measured multiple times on both component tester and DMM.

Am I sane? Is this real life? I feel like I've been cheated, but not really, but, I mean, kinda?
ahhhh crapcakes. Yeah, I'm an idiot. I assumed because it was a p/n from a VFE spreadsheet that it would be tight tolerance, but no, looking again it was 20% 😖

The ones from Tayda are 5%
lol good ol tolerance.
20% of 220 = 44 : . these caps could range from 176 to 266 and still be in spec. so you've done alright considering.