Best tight high gain PCB?

Tight Metal if you can find a board for it somewhere. The Friedman/Revv stuff sounds pretty good but I haven’t built any of them.
Want to see something interesting?

Take a look at the Tyrian and Thermionic Distortion schematics side-by-side....... :unsure:
Ok, so the Sanguine is a red channel distortion based on the Revv G4 (in turn maybe based on the Bogner Ecstacy red channel.)

What is a purple channel (Tyrian)? Revv G3?
Ok, so the Sanguine is a red channel distortion based on the Revv G4 (in turn maybe based on the Bogner Ecstacy red channel.)

What is a purple channel (Tyrian)? Revv G3?
Yes and the Malachite is the Green Channel Overdrive
What’s the difference between red, green, purple?
I haven't built the other two yet, but they all are based on Revv amp channels, the Green is an overdrive and Purple and Red high gain, look them up on Reverb, probably better descriptions there
No, Sanguine is not based on Bogner amp. It's based on REVV amp (Generator 120 if I'm correct).