I made the transformer and switches on a breadboard today to test it out.
Same as the last schem picture i posted here.
It behaves very very similar to the radial aby.
Phase switch works only when transformer in engaged, which makes sense because it would just shunt the signal to ground if it was possible to phase flip without the transformer engaged, right?
And there's something in the radial manual i'm not sure to understand.
It says to lift ground first, if not solving the hum, then activate the isolation transformer.
When i lift ground (on my breadboard version and with the real radial aby pedal) most of the time it will just hum like crazy, almost no guitar sound is heard in the amp speakers... How would a ground lift works without the transformer isolation? I mean a guitar amp input needs ground to work, not just the signal on the Tip... right? Or is it assumed that it's being used with 2 amps at the same time so it get's the ground from the other amp? In that case if i make the same circuit on both out A and B of my aby pedal, lifting grounds on both A and B would not make sense?
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