DEMO Byrdhouse Compressor

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Well-known member
This one is for @Harry Klippton I saw a few threads where he mentioned how much he liked it and I thought it would be a great idea to talk about my thoughts on recording guitar in Flabby Chode studios. In the video I breakdown my mental process about recording and show off some examples of how I like to use compression.

As usual its a hand painted little bird, blue jay i believe, and it is a damn fine pedal. Hope you all enjoy!

Also anybody out there bird enthusiasts? I am looking for a good book recommendation on where to get started, my family and I love to bird watch and I have absolutely zero knowledge about birds.


😍 awesome as always!

As far as birdwatching books go, there are plenty of really thorough books you can find that are just massive encyclopedias of every bird species you could imagine, but honestly that’s pretty overwhelming to try to navigate— so many vaguely similar looking species that have little to no overlap in the regions they occupy.
Your best bet is to go to a local mom and pop bookstore that will carry books by local authors, and buy whatever sort of book a local birdwatching fanatic wrote about the species of your local ecosystem
I don’t know much about birds either but that’s one awesome looking bird! Love your build man! I think you did a great job giving an explanation on how the compressor is working!
Thanks mate! It is a really great simple compressor.
😍 awesome as always!

As far as birdwatching books go, there are plenty of really thorough books you can find that are just massive encyclopedias of every bird species you could imagine, but honestly that’s pretty overwhelming to try to navigate— so many vaguely similar looking species that have little to no overlap in the regions they occupy.
Your best bet is to go to a local mom and pop bookstore that will carry books by local authors, and buy whatever sort of book a local birdwatching fanatic wrote about the species of your local ecosystem
Great idea man! I didn’t even think of that, heading to the camera store to talk lens then the book store. Busy day today.
Where did you get an NTE996? I’m looking for one to build a byrdhouse myself
I believe the 996 is actually a substitute for the original 3080 chip. For my build, I ordered one (original 3080) from Banzai. This was a while back and I can't exactly recall how much they cost. Now they're going for between 4 and 5 Euros.

YMMV. Best of luck with your quest.
Thank you! Camera store was an amazing way to spend an hour and never got to the bookstore. Will see if they have something like this for my area.
Where did you get an NTE996? I’m looking for one to build a byrdhouse myself
Place by my work is a NTE seller, I will drop by there tomorrow and grab any if he has them or can get them.
I ordered one from Amazon for $8. I haven't finished building it so I haven't tested it yet.
My brain doesn’t go to amazon for pedal parts, coffee and tennis balls for my dogs is about it lately.
Similar but the engineers thumb is more versatile and more option laden. This is super simple and sounds good. The engineers thumb does a similar compression but being able to adjust the attack and release is really nice.