CDXL Reissue Envelope Filter


Well-known member
greetings pedalpcb braintrust-

I just finished this build, and man I got some problemos...

When I first tested the circuit, it worked perfectly with the toggle UP. it was completely dead with the toggle DOWN.

Assuming an overflowed lug / grounding issue, I desoldered the toggle & replaced it.

Now, I have massively attenuated output & no effect present (in both UP and DOWN positions)

the LED is on. Bypass works as should.

any ideas?

*i realize this pic sucks. all the other ones won't upload, despite my efforts to size them down.


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well ain't this strange...

I cleaned up the board & went to test again. Twisting the pots for no reason other than hopelessness, I noticed something.

When pressing the pins of LM358, I got some sounds out of the amplifier that are hard to describe. They weren't coming from my guitar signal. But they did have some semblance of a wah filter. Kinda sounded like an alien was hungover on the couch?

Attaching pics here:


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