SOLVED Cetus preamp issue (Solved)


Active member
Having issues with my ceteus build. I forgot to put a dust cover on the treble pot (B250k) and think i may have shorted something. All i get is a synth type sound (sample below). Ive replaced d1,d2 and c104 and have also replaced all ic's. Those diodes were directly under the uncovered pot

I have burnt through the pcb mask removing D2, ive checked for continuity with that spot and parts that are close to it, Doesnt seem to be shorting anything out, but i still think that may be an area of concern (pics below). Ive audio probed, i get audio at the input, i can follow that (according to the pic below) to R1. The C1 side of R1 is the clean input audio (audio is coming from a looper pedal), the other side of R1 has the synth sound mixed with the input audio. Anywhere after that i get full synth sound with no audio .

Any ideas on where to go from here. There is currently no schematic posted.

Thanks in advance!

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Looks like i used 4148's in that location, but i replaced them anyway. I also replaced the 6v2 with a different 6v2 zener (different suppliers). Still no change.
Ive repalced all diodes, and reflowed every connection. It still has the synth sound after R1. Ive just ordered some 1044's from a reliable supplier. I'll report back once those have arrived.
Synth sound is gone and the pedal seems to be working correctly. I had a 2.2m resistor in r100. It should have only been a 100r.
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