SOLVED Circulator but No Effect


New member
Good evening all,
I powered up my circulator build, I got signal with the switch off, and when I powered on the effect, the LED came on and the dry signal came through, but I am not getting any of the effect no matter what position the switch or pots are in. I tried reflowing solder joints with no change. A quick search showed other people had issues with the LFO stalling. I was going to try Chuck Bone’s mods but I don’t have a 3M3 resistor. Anyone see a possible culprit here? I started going through the resistors to see if a value is off but haven’t found any yet.
PS I use alligator clamps for the DC jack hookup that’s why they aren’t soldered yet.


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Good evening all,
I powered up my circulator build, I got signal with the switch off, and when I powered on the effect, the LED came on and the dry signal came through, but I am not getting any of the effect no matter what position the switch or pots are in. I tried reflowing solder joints with no change. A quick search showed other people had issues with the LFO stalling. I was going to try Chuck Bone’s mods but I don’t have a 3M3 resistor. Anyone see a possible culprit here? I started going through the resistors to see if a value is off but haven’t found any yet.
PS I use alligator clamps for the DC jack hookup that’s why they aren’t soldered yet.
Where did you get the LM13700's from?
I actually think I figured out my problem while testing some connections. It seems like while removing that wrong R28 resistor, I damaged the backside pad and wasn’t getting connection between R28 and IC3 pin 6. I soldered the two pins together and now the LED turns on and the effect seems to be working.