DEMO Circulator!

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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Hey everyone, this is #38 overall and I think the 9th in April. I've been fighting an XC Phase* on and off, so I was excited to have a phaser I can rely on! this thing has some cool sounds and I really like that I can get almost an autowah effect with it. It was a fun build and I'm glad I waited on the 1.2k resistors to come in. I'm trying to be stricter with component values. anyway, build this one!!

* I can't get the damn thing working right. I bought matched JFETs on breakout boards and soldered leads to them. it works but not well and it's not the correct effect. I'll post a troubleshoot thread but that's a battle for another week.


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Circulator is a good one.

What’s the front look like??
currently? no knobs and painters tape labels lol.

my plan is to spray paint it gold with aluminum knobs like this one. I need to upgrade my labeling but I don't want to use stickers and I'm not ready yet to order printed closures (I still consider these prototypes, so I'm not going nuts yet). one guy I've sold a few to is an artist as well so he's going to do his own work on that.

I really like how the spray paint kind of wears down and lets the aluminum show through, and the aluminum knobs are 10x as nice for about 50 cents more each.

man, I hate paying for knobs 🎛️


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ok this is an EXTREMELY "opinionated" demo, in that there's no clean tone, there's multiple other pedals (julia and bit commander builds, so this is a combo demo). but, i think it sounds really cool and is a fun deployment of the phaser. the bit commander (captain bit? can't remember) is my second favorite pedal (after the duocast) so i wanted to mess around with the combination of those two. also the julia chorus is so great to add as a layer in there. hope you like it!


  • circulator w chorus and bit commander.wav
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