Come one Come all, Come see the fugliest pedal of them all! (VHS)

I was going to suggest copper tele knobs and then I remembered these little 6 buck stewmac ivoroid numbers. Both are stupid expensive but those kind of options deserve mention too.

So I finally got those aluminum knobs in. They came in prestine condition. Which is what this particular build did not need. So I thought about how to “age” them and my first thought was to etch them. Then it hit me that I didn’t want to get any etch in the holes for the little “screws”. So my 2nd option was to put them in a zip loc bag with rocks and shake shake shake. After about 5 or so min I took them out and decided I wanted more of beaten look to what the rocks had done. So I then came in with 320 grit sandpaper and just went to town all over trying to be as random as I could. This is the result.



And here’s how they look on the pedal



I’m not sure the pics do it justice but I think they look pretty cool on there and match the overall aesthetic.

And here’s a pic of them before(didn’t take a before shot 🙄)
