Chuck D. Bones
Circuit Wizard
Boss DF-2 Feedbacker a.k.a. Backfeeder. One of the guys on the forum gave me this board. I got it working and boxed it up last fall. It's basically a DS-1 with a PLL added on that tracks the guitar's fundamental frequency and synthesizes a "feedback" tone. It doesn't cause feedback, it makes a tone that sounds like feedback when you step on the FEEDBACK switch. It's complicated as all Hell and works remarkably well. These days you could do all that with a Daisy. OVERTONE is a blend between fundamental and octave-up feedback tones. Only thing I changed was adding the Keeley seeing-eye mod to the DS-1 part of the circuit.
Yeah, Hamish, I know, the LEVEL label is not on straight.
About 90% of the parts are for making the "feedback" tone.
Yeah, Hamish, I know, the LEVEL label is not on straight.
About 90% of the parts are for making the "feedback" tone.
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