Danelectro Billionaire Big Spender ramp speed Mod


New member
Hello everyone. First of all, thank you for accepting me in this community. I'd like to know if someone has a mod to reduce the ramp speed on a danelectro big spender. I've been looking for a mod and the schematic but have found nothing.
I really like this pedal. The only thing that bothers me a little is the ramp speed. It takes 10 seconds to ramp up and down. I think it's excessive and it is not useable. I want to reduce it to 4-5 seconds, but since i know nothing about modding, i have no idea what to do. I dont know if i have to change a cap, or a resistor or both. I hope someone can help me. I would thank you a lot😊
We're going to need a schematic of some sort, as long as the LFO is analog it should be possible to modify it.

If it's a digital circuit it might not be so simple...

Can you post a picture of the PCB in the pedal?
We're going to need a schematic of some sort, as long as the LFO is analog it should be possible to modify it.

If it's a digital circuit it might not be so simple...

Can you post a picture of the PCB in the pedal?
Hi. Thank you for replying. I dont have the pedal yet. I found one brand new on sale, but i've been somewhat undecided to buy it because of the stock ramp speed. I think ill buy it in a few days and disassembly it to take some pics to show them to you.
It is a digital pedal btw
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If it's digital you most likely won't be able to change the ramp time by swapping components.