I went in tonight and drilled a hole for a 5mm LED bezel and redid the rate LED.
What I found is that the parallel resistor matters little so long as it’s there. I kept 10k. In an effort to get the rate LED brighter, I set up the breadboard to do some trial and error with the resistor:
View attachment 16725
I stepped down from 10k all the way to 680 ohm. What I found is that the lower you go, the LED gets marginally brighter but also starts to lose distinction with the rate pulses. 680 ohm was pretty bright (still not as bright as the main LEDs) but lack almost all definition with respect to the pulsing.
I tested a number of values in between and found that 6.2k had the best balance of brightness and full pulses. I then set up the rate LED itself and prepped for install:
View attachment 16726
Here are my rough draft and final videos showing the rate LED:
And finally, here it is re-assembled:
View attachment 16727
I think tomorrow I’ll go in and redo the main LEDs off board so I can get them seated better in the bezels. While I’m in I’ll adjust the LEDR values for those to get the brightness of all three matched.