SOLVED First BUILD - Failure


Hi all - thanks for your encouragement and help as I embarked on my first pedal build.

I grabbed, PedalPCBs Mahayana Drive (Zendrive) and followed the guides available in this forum. I also followed The Tone Geek's video of his build of this same PCB.

I ordered the wrong potentiometers with my initial Tayda order, so after waiting for the right parts to show up and finishing my wiring, I was SUPER excited to try this thing out.

... but ... nothing.

Here's the gutshot:


What do you notice that I've done wrong?
What are you powering it with?

Any joint that looks suspect, just hold your iron on it until you see the solder transfer down to the pad smoothly. (Should only take 2-3 seconds depending on the temp of your iron)
Those are definitely looking better.

If you're not getting any power to the LED there's something stopping your power getting through immediately. It could have been as simple as a cold joint, but let us know how you go after it wired up again. If it's still there you might have an issue with the battery, the wires your using, short, or a damaged trace.
Reflowed, rewired and still nothing. No LED, no signal when engaged, signal is fine when bypassed.

I’ve got power to diode at the top, but nothing to the IC.

Here’s a pic of the power wiring:

Are you sure the polarity of that 9V battery adapter is correct?

Do you measure 9V on both ends of the diode, or only one end?

This sounds like it might be a reverse polarity situation

Didn’t even think of that. I’ve got a different adapter I’ll throw on there and see what happens.

not sure about the diode reading. I’ll check it again and report the findings.
Are you sure the polarity of that 9V battery adapter is correct?

Do you measure 9V on both ends of the diode, or only one end?

This sounds like it might be a reverse polarity situation.
POLARITY! That was it.

Thanks for the assist. Just played some solos through my first pedal build. Sounds better than I expected.
