DEMO Frantone Creampuff (vero) & Fornicus OD

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Got a two for one for y'all today. There's a music shop near me that I've been frequenting the last year or so, and during that time I've gotten to talking with the shop owner a bit. We were recently talking about pedals and I told him that I build clones in my free time, which prompted a conversation about potentially bringing some into the shop to sell. He asked me to bring in a couple that I'd be interested in selling, so I put together these two just to see how they'd do. I built a Frantone Creampuff a long time ago and really liked how it sounded, so I figured I'd take a stab at that on vero. It's a pretty straightforward build, but sounds massive. I also had another Fornicus board on hand, so I put one of those together again.

I've really been having a lot of fun with finding different materials to wrap the enclosures in lately. The Creampuff has this shimmery, iridescent paper I found at an art shop. The picture kind of captures it, but it looks awesome when it moves in the light. The Fornicus wrapping I just found at Hobby Lobby, and really like how the knobs match the jaguar (leopard?) print a bit.

I've got another clip of the Fornicus here. This time I tried to dial back the sag knob a bit, and I actually think I like the way it sounds with less sag rather than more. The Creampuff is definitely more of a straightforward fuzz sound, but still great regardless.

Creampuff front.png
Creampuff guts.png SSBS 2 Front.png _SSBS 2 Guts.png
Those look great! Especially love the leopard print.

Take it or leave it, but I think customers would appreciate having the the knobs labeled in some way. I don't label any of my pedals because they are all only for personal use, but I could see people who aren't into diy bitching about not knowing what knob does what. Just my 4.5 cents
Those look great! Especially love the leopard print.

Take it or leave it, but I think customers would appreciate having the the knobs labeled in some way. I don't label any of my pedals because they are all only for personal use, but I could see people who aren't into diy bitching about not knowing what knob does what. Just my 4.5 cents
I have a friend who complains about this occasionally. I'm like "bitch, I don't charge so that I don't have to care what you think."

I actually didn't label my Equilux until I let someone borrow it.
Those look great! Especially love the leopard print.

Take it or leave it, but I think customers would appreciate having the the knobs labeled in some way. I don't label any of my pedals because they are all only for personal use, but I could see people who aren't into diy bitching about not knowing what knob does what. Just my 4.5 cents

Yea, I've considered putting labels on them but honestly I just love the way a non-labeled pedal looks. With fabric too I think it could get a little cheap looking if I'm writing a label on with marker, or adhereing something else to it. I think if I were to start doing builds that were of my own design (more or less) I'd probably try to get some kind of label on them in some way.

That being said, I have had a few people ask me to do a build for them that includes labels, so I'm always happy to provide that if requested. More often than not though people seem to be fine without them,
Great playing in your clips!! Fornicus looks like a pretty straightforward build…might be my next.
Yea, it's fairly easy to put together and is a really great-sounding overdrive that can get all kinds of nasty if you want it to. I've found that the trim pot really works best when it's all the way open (fully clockwise), so I'm probably just going to jumper it internally if I build one again. Just something to consider.