Garbage Glam (Civil War Big Muff) with demo clip


Well-known member
A friend asked me to build him a Sovtek style Big Muff recently, so I thought I'd share the end result with y'all. I went with the Civil War/Red Army circuit for this one since the PCB for the Big Muff is so easily tweakable, and I was curious to see how it compared to my EHX Green Russian. I also used 2N5089s for the transistors, which to my ears added a little extra oomph to the overall gain. I was actually pretty surprised at how close to the EHX this sounded. The "actually" Green Russian had just a touch more bottom end to it, but otherwise they were almost identical to me. In my haste I forgot to take a picture of the guts (it will never happen again, I promise), but I used the AionFX PCB for it.

My buddy that the pedal went to has a pretty sweet home studio set up, so he recorded a quick little audio clip of it once I dropped the pedal off for him and he'd had a weekend to mess around with it. I attached that below. It definitely makes me want to build a few more Muff variations for myself to see how they compare.