Hello everyone.
Just 'finished' a General Tso optical compressor and I'm now testing it before putting it in an enclosure. I've checked all the voltages. The audio signal flows through from input to output. When I cover the LDRs in tape, the volume increases. The audio signal is making it to the bases of Q2 and Q4. So far, so good...
The thing that's giving me pause and stopping me from shrinkwrapping the LED/LDRs is that the LEDs don't seem to be illuminating in time with the peaks in the music. If I connect the cathode of LED 1 to ground, it illuminates strongly; if I connect the anode of LED 2 to Vcc, the same. Just nothing when the guitar is playing. I was expecting flashes of light.
Is this to be expected? Is the LED illumination supposed to be so small as to be imperceptible?
These are the LEDs: https://www.mouser.co.uk/datasheet/2/427/tlhg640-1766969.pdf
Looking again at that datasheet, I think I may have picked the world's dimmest green LED...
Just 'finished' a General Tso optical compressor and I'm now testing it before putting it in an enclosure. I've checked all the voltages. The audio signal flows through from input to output. When I cover the LDRs in tape, the volume increases. The audio signal is making it to the bases of Q2 and Q4. So far, so good...
The thing that's giving me pause and stopping me from shrinkwrapping the LED/LDRs is that the LEDs don't seem to be illuminating in time with the peaks in the music. If I connect the cathode of LED 1 to ground, it illuminates strongly; if I connect the anode of LED 2 to Vcc, the same. Just nothing when the guitar is playing. I was expecting flashes of light.
Is this to be expected? Is the LED illumination supposed to be so small as to be imperceptible?
These are the LEDs: https://www.mouser.co.uk/datasheet/2/427/tlhg640-1766969.pdf
Looking again at that datasheet, I think I may have picked the world's dimmest green LED...