Gibson Get It Right!!!????

I’ve got a 92 studio I love. But I hardly play the thing because every time you bend a string you have to tune. I keep saying I’m going to replace the tuners…. Some day.
i have an admittedly very expensive Les Paul but it stays in tune remarkably well. It's not so much the tuners as the nut. If you can get the nut slots just right and slippery 99% of the issues go away. I always surprised when I get the Les Paul out (as I did today) to find that it barely needs tuning, and everything is stock. It just has a well-sorted nut. (Insert obligatory nuts joke here)
As far as Les Pauls go, "The Les Paul" from the late 70's are my favorite. I'm a sucker for wine red all the rosewood binding and parts? Be still my beating heart.

As far as Les Pauls go, "The Les Paul" from the late 70's are my favorite. I'm a sucker for wine red all the rosewood binding and parts? Be still my beating heart.

Oh ya! That guitar is one of the most beautiful electrics out there. One of my favorite trogly episodes too.
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