green mean metal machine build documents


Active member
I'm just doing a parts order and realised tthe tone control has a W20K pot on the documents. Without sounding like an idiot, is that meant to be an A20K pot as A is closer to W on the keyboard than B or C?

Also, I would like to order some parts for the UwotM8 PCB i have but it says Build documents coming...have they been posted elsewhere by any chance?
Even with W-taper, the TONE pot on Tube Screamers is touchy at the ends. If you never go below 10:00 or above 2:00, then B-taper is an ok sub.

And before anyone asks, there is NO WAY to make a W-taper with parallel resistors.
You learn something new every day! I'm pretty happy ordering a W taper, I get my stuff mostly through Tayda anyway. Generally I leave the tone knob on a screamer style pedal around 12 o'clock area anyway.