HAARP Has a lot of Noise


Do any of you guys get a lot of noise out of your haarp? It's working correctly, so it's unlikely "bad wiring noise". When i tried it by itself I didn't notice anything. Super quiet. Once I got it on my main rig, with overdrive and EQ pedals after it, the "hum" was really pronounced. Even after turning off all other pedals. I feel like I remember reading that the v2 cut down on the noise of the v1. So I guess that's another question. Is the HAARP based on v1 or v2?

How do you power your board? When I've had a digital pedal that is quiet on it's own but making whines and noises when combined with analogue pedals it was usually down to bad power and when I got a supply with isolated outputs it fixed the issue
How do you power your board? When I've had a digital pedal that is quiet on it's own but making whines and noises when combined with analogue pedals it was usually down to bad power and when I got a supply with isolated outputs it fixed the issue
A brand new Walrus Audio Phoenix 15 supply. There's been plenty of digital pedals on it with no issues. It's not a whine either. I'm more like a really loud 60 cycle hum.