Interesting problem connecting Magnatron delay into Van Pelt drive


New member
First post here but I’m not new to pedal building. Amongst my many builds I have built a Van Pelt drive and Magnetron delay and just discovered that if I connect the Magnetron into the Van Pelt, the output volume cuts down to almost nothing. Both pedals work fine in all other contexts and it works if I put another pedal that is turned on between them. I suspect that it may be an impedance issue but the input impedance of the Van Pelt is 1 Meg and the output of the Magnetron is an opamp buffer, so that doesn’t really make sense either. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.

FYI, the Van Pelt in combination with the Unicab sim makes an exceptional analog JTM45 amp sim for direct to PA or recording. I’m plan to put both of them in the same box with no bypass switches just for direct use.
Some new information. I was doing some more testing and put my Kliche overdrive between the Magnatron and Van Pelt. I was using the Paragon previously. The volume drops to about half with the Kliche turned on after the Magnatron as opposed to about 5% with the Van Pelt. So, same problem but different degrees. FYI, volumes on everything are set for unity with bypass.
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