Keeley Oxblood

Sure looks like a Klon. I wonder if there are any subtle differences.

The Oxblood isn't a Klon, it's different from the D&M.

I believe so, yep.

I've never actually used one and can't confirm that the schematic is 100% accurate (but have no reason to think it's not).

No doubt it's Klon inspired, but the circuit isn't quite the same and is more than just a "tweaked" clone.

👇My comment earlier in the the thread was in reference to the D+M Drive.👇
I traced it but didn't measure any of the component values.... 🤦‍♂️

Structurally it's 100% a Klone, but can't say for sure about the values.
I believe so, yep.

I've never actually used one and can't confirm that the schematic is 100% accurate (but have no reason to think it's not).

No doubt it's Klon inspired, but the circuit isn't quite the same and is more than just a "tweaked" clone.

👇My comment earlier in the the thread was in reference to the D+M Drive.👇
Gotcha. This thread is getting confusing! 😉