Library options? And a couple other noob thoughts

Sorry to ask so many questions, but with V-scoring, will JLCPCB know where to score the board? The reason I ask is because I did send out a PCB to them with the V-scoring. But when I upload the gerber, and check out the gerber viewer, it doesn't look like its scored. I see where the scoring should be, but it's not cut out on the gerber viewer. Probably over thinking it, and I have nothing to lose really for $5 I guess, haha. Thanks!
Yea im curious here too. Ill find out tomorrow when my boards comes i suppose I did the panelizing thing and i can see the scoring in diptrace but i also dont in the gerber. I had hit thr panelizing by customer option. Which apparently i didnt need to.
Yea im curious here too. Ill find out tomorrow when my boards comes i suppose I did the panelizing thing and i can see the scoring in diptrace but i also dont in the gerber. I had hit thr panelizing by customer option. Which apparently i didnt need to.
Cool. Let me know how it goes. I was able to fit 4 of the breakout boards I designed on something that was real close to 100mm x 100mm. Works for me! And if I failed, guess I’ll put a bunch on order through pedalpcb and make them work for my boards. Hahaha.
Sorry to ask so many questions, but with V-scoring, will JLCPCB know where to score the board?

Yes, they'll see that there are multiple sub-panels separated by a board outline. I think I've only had one order where they didn't V-score the board before shipping, but that wasn't JLCPCB.

This is what my preview looks like:

I used to manually draw board cutout lines between each part and then label them "VCUT" until I realized that was all being stripped out of the Gerber files anyway.

Yes, they'll see that there are multiple sub-panels separated by a board outline. I think I've only had one order where they didn't V-score the board before shipping, but that wasn't JLCPCB.

This is what my preview looks like:
View attachment 79759

I used to manually draw board cutout lines between each part and then label them "VCUT" until I realized that was all being stripped out of the Gerber files anyway.

View attachment 79760
Perfect. That’s about what mine looked like as well, except I could only fit 4 to keep the 100mm x 100mm pricing. But, works for me! Thanks for all the help yet again!
I think i need to change the setting for the v score next time but this is exactly how it looked i have a double score. Ive got 80 of these though so that should be a life time supply about. Lol. IMG_8942.jpeg

Excited to see how my sunflower with rangemaster board turned out. Ill assemble that tonight. 🤞
I think i need to change the setting for the v score next time but this is exactly how it looked i have a double score. Ive got 80 of these though so that should be a life time supply about. Lol. View attachment 79802

Excited to see how my sunflower with rangemaster board turned out. Ill assemble that tonight. 🤞
Did those all fit within the 100mm x 100mm? I was only able to fit 4. Still plenty for me, but curious if I could somehow squeeze in a bit more.
when in pcb layout mode, hover over the part and right click when it turns blue, properties--->part markings tab--->hide refdes. that should take the extra text out.
edit: numbers wrong
Has anyone checked the price difference at JLCPB between a self designed for example 4x5 (results in 100 single pcb because of min 5 pcb order) panel and a single pcb ordererd in 100pcs ?
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when in pcb layout mode, hover over the part and right click when it turns blue, properties--->part markings tab--->hide refdes. that should take the extra text out.
Ill try that. I was trying to fix it through the pattern editor and was getting a bit lost.
edit: numbers wrong
Has anyone checked the price difference at JLCPB between a self designed for example 4x5 (results in 100 single pcb because of min 5 pcb order) panel and a single pcb ordererd in 100pcs ?

Depending on the dimensions it can go either way but the difference is usually minimal.

I generally only panelize tiny PCBs out of convenience because it's easier to keep up with / count 500 tiny boards if they're tiled together.

For anything larger I'd rather just order individual boards so they have a nicer finished edge. In a lot of cases individual PCBs come out cheaper, but even when not it's rarely more than a dollar or two difference.

I used to panelize everything that could be panelized but eventually got tired of the damned fiberglass splinters.
So I got my muff thing all put together. Audibly it all seems to be working fine. Little feedback at higher volumes but its running through a breadboard so I'm hoping boxing fixes that and it's not a layout issue.

Nevermind they are, try the humbuckers duh :)
one of the things I did was add an on off on clipping switch to switch between 4148's, red led's and no diodes. The first clipping stages LED's are not lighting up while playing. I have gotten them to light up if I place my place my finger at certain points on the back of the board. The second stage lights up when signal is passing through very noticeably. Wasn't sure if this was just as there is more gain there or does this sound like something is not working correctly. My ears say its fine, but I don't really know exactly what I should be hearing with the component mix I put together for this one lol.
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Man so I’m now 2/5 for a working board the first try lol. Planned on doing a copper pour on top for vref for one, hid the ratlines forgot to fo the copper pour (doh) if i wouldve done the next comnectivety check I wouldve found. Thought my jfet smd pattern was connected to the to92 part in the pattern. Apparently not, did this on two boards, one is salvagable since i connected everything to the thru hole the other is not so easy. May be salvageable but itd be so bad its worth the 3.50 to just order a new one. These dumb mistakes are where you learn right lol.
Man so I’m now 2/5 for a working board the first try lol. Planned on doing a copper pour on top for vref for one, hid the ratlines forgot to fo the copper pour (doh) if i wouldve done the next comnectivety check I wouldve found. Thought my jfet smd pattern was connected to the to92 part in the pattern. Apparently not, did this on two boards, one is salvagable since i connected everything to the thru hole the other is not so easy. May be salvageable but itd be so bad its worth the 3.50 to just order a new one. These dumb mistakes are where you learn right lol.

Trust I've made literally every one of these mistakes too lol. Just wait until you develop extreme opinions on pcb fonts and numbering systems and hate otherwise perfect boards you've made a year after the fact just because of that lmao