SOLVED Lifted pad and trace on Simulcast


Well-known member
So, what I tought was going to be an easy small repair turned out into an ordeal...
While removing a faulty B25K pot on my Simulcast, I unfortunately lifter the pad and a small part of the trace on the soldering side of the board.
This is for pin 3 of the potentiometer
I'm still new at this and not very versed in schematic. From what I gather, it is linked to the transformer, but I would like formal guidance to see if I can salvage my mistake and enjoy that sweet tone.
Continuity check your transformer pins find pin 1 that connects to R15 and it'll be the pin directly opposite run a jumper wire from there and solder it directly to the pot lug 3

The middle pins 2 and 5 connect to nothing and 3 and 4 connect to ground