Low Tide getting signal but not working right.


New member
Hi all,

Been working away on a Low Tide and I am testing it. I have read through the forum and Im not seeing anything thats similar to my issue. I am getting an output. I seem to be getting a random warble but I would say there's no modulation just a judder in the sound from time to time. Rate seems to change this.
I have tried to follow the detailed instructions on how to uses the BBD and Gate trims. When Im adjusting the BBD the signal will get louder and clearer but there is always a hiss at the end of a note. Especially if I play a chord. Also the gate trim only works at 95%-100% the rest is silent.

I did notice when reading that when subbing a J201 conversion board sub for the 2sk208-y i needed to cross the legs for S and D so I have done that, insulating one leg. I have also noticed people taking voltage readings of the ics and Q1-4 so I will do that below for the Qs and IC7. In the below i have set all then knobs to 100% ;

Q1: D- 260mv / S- 7.6v / G- 0.2mv
Q2: E- 7v /B- 7.65v / C- 9v
Q3: E- 3.4v /B - 4v / C- 6v
Q4: D- 5.75/ S- 200mv / 0.5mv
Q5: E- 5.1v / B- 5.75v /C-9v

IC7 - MN3207 -
1 = 0v
2 = 2.44v
3 = 3v
4 = 4.6v
5 = 5v
6 = 2.4v
7= 3v
8 = 3.2v

Im relatively new to pedal building, first try with ICs. Any help would be magic and if anyone needs more info or reading I can get them.

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That demo is great. I would say that Im struggling to get the trim pots right. I just cant seem to find the ranges. My BBD sounds pretty much the same from 20% to 80% and I only really have the last 5% of the Gate doing anything. I also don't have it boxed up yet, i have it on a tester going to the amp. Maybe it will be easier once its in the box.

On the upside im pretty confident its working. I can match the sounds more or less in the demo, although there's something missing from my output, the core repeats and tone are there. Biggest match is around 7 mins when the rate is up high.

I also find when i have the Pad switch off and the External gate high i get a fizzy sound overlaying my signal and that continues throughout the whole sweep of the trim pot. Im using a tele so not a high output pick up.

I think going forward i need to box it up and then tweak the trim pots. And if any one has advice or recognises these issues above, let me know and I will try solutions out.

Thanks everyone for your help so far.