SOLVED Magnetron LED2 Stays On


When the circuit is in bypass, LED1 turns off, but LED2 stays on.

I read a post where the builder didn't bother working in the bypass for LED2, so I'm curious what one has to do to get LED2 to shut off in bypass mode.

Also, is there a way to make LED2 brighter and the pulses more pronounced? I can detect pulses but the difference between peak and off is slight. More like a throb than crisp, clear blinking.
I read a post where the builder didn't bother working in the bypass for LED2

It was by design, not an oversight.

I've always felt rate indicators should remain on in bypass, otherwise how do you know what to expect when you stomp the switch?

I really don't need a visual cue when the pedal is on, I can hear it. :ROFLMAO:

Lift the Cathode of LED2 from the PCB and connect it to the SW pad if you want it to turn off in bypass.

Also, is there a way to make LED2 brighter and the pulses more pronounced?

Try lowering the value of R103. There is another hack but it is slightly more invasive.