I use ribbon-wire w/ female sockets on the pots and the male end goes directly into the breadboard:
The ribbon-wire can be bought cheaply with the pins and sockets already attached, and you can choose from different lengths of wire to get whatever works best for you.
The great thing about this method is you don't use up any pots for strictly breadboarding, you can just pull the wires off and use the pot in the build you just breadboarded or in another build if you've run out of that pot value and can't wait to order more...
Nonetheless, I see the appeal of Bricksnbeatles breadboard-pot collection. I've got a few of those breadbuddies, maybe I'll be ordering more.
As for breadboard trimmers, why not use the multi-turn Bournes?
Oh, and
@Bricksnbeatles, check out the
GlassJaw — if you aren't already aware of it, it's basically an Acapulco Gold with buffers, a volume control and a tone-stack; I've also seen it with a clean-blend (IIRC). Makes for a lot more complexity in an otherwise simple circuit, but you get more control in return.