So.. I imported the board from Eagle to Kicad 7. In Eagle, the vias have thermal reliefs, but the thermal reliefs disappear after import. Any idea how to add them? There is nothing in the element properties.
As promised, here's a workaround solution for you, @temol: *images added as thumbnails, click to enlarge.
1. Head over to the Footprint Editor Utility.
2. Create a new Library.
3. Now we'll select the new library we named in the previous step and we're going to add a new footprint, name it, and select "Through Hole" as type.
4. Now, we'll add a pad to the footprint and customize the pad. In the last image, you can customize your thermal reliefs in the Thermal Relief Overrides section if you'd like.
Continued to next post due to image upload limit...
5. Once you have your thermal settings entered for the pad on the new footprint, you'll need to set general settings. I like to hide all text from the footprint for something like this. Also be sure that you follow the settings in the bottom right of the window in my screenshot.
6. Save your settings and the new footprint. Head back to your board editor tool and insert the new footprint. Select the newly created footprint and add it to your board.
7. Once added, you can refill zones to see it's not connected to any nets. We'll need to change that. Make sure your selection filter has Pads selected and footprints unselected. Click on the new footprint and set the net to GND or whichever net you're using.
8. Now, when you refill your zones, you should see the thermals.
I realize this is not the most elegant solution, but it works. You can edit the thermal relief settings so yours are more reasonable than the ones shown in my last screenshot.
@Brett - thank you for the excellent solution and tutorial. I'll give it a try as soon as possible.
My current solution is not that elegant - I added a new set of spoked vias in Illustrator, before printing the transparencies.