Muzzle High pitched squeal


New member

Following this thread:

Testing out my muzzle, it gives me a very high pitched squeal when using overdrive channel. It occurs even if the pedal is turned off. With clean channel it seems to work fine.

Here's an audio clip demonstrating the problem: squeal.mp3?dl=0

At the end of the clip I'm turning it on and off and rolling the pot from min to max. When engaging the internal switch the squeal is still there, but just lower volume. If I take out cables from key in & out and go from my guitar to amp input and leaving the muzzle in loop, there is no squealing. My fx loop is supposed to be instrument level and I've tested the original zuul with an amp that had line level loop, and it worked fine. Any suggestions?
Some additional info: Went to a rehearsal place to test this with different amp. The amp had switch for line/instr -level loop and it didn't affect the outcome. This time there wasn't high pitched squeal, but a steady loud hum. Shouldn't be power either, I'm using Cioks DC7 and no other pedals connected. The gating works, but I have to raise the level of the gate pretty high. I'm thinking some sort of ground loop, any suggestion how to fix it?