

New member
Hello everybody,
I finished putting together a Muzzle set that I bought from „Das Musikding“.
After searching the troubleshooting forum I‘m afraid I cannot solve this problem on my own.
The loop section stays silent when bypass is off, the LED stays red or, when polarity is flipped, blue and the gate seems to be closed no matter what.
I tried a split before the Muzzle to seperate the key signal, I tried to amplify the guitar signal with a triangulum boost, tried bridging the key input, everything suggested in the other threads does not help.
I had a short in beforehand which occurred between R2 and IC1 (see picture)
Could that have fried one of the ICs?
Also I hooked up the jacks of the key wrong: I connected tip to 5 and switched tip to pin 3.
Please give me a hint what I should try next to get my Muzzle working.
Thanks for your attention.