Nebul-Wah Redux-Pedalpcb Sham wah

Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
I built this originally a few years back and that build report is no longer around. I had done some musing and research on wah pedals recently and went down a rabbit hole. I decided to make a few tweaks to the stock shamwah. The original bbe circuit is a crybaby/vox with a Q or body knob as they call it. I originally made that external but it's always been in the stock middle position when I use it. I decided that tweek the series resistor for the stock 33k setting (12 o'clock on the knob) and returned the trimmer to the board. I marked where 68k was in case I wanted to go back to that setting ever.

I changed a couple other values as well, but the two changes are the external knob and the inductor. The stock wah uses a halo inductor and I used one from smallbear at the time. Shortly after building it, arteffects messaged me on IG and sent me one of his custom wound stack of dimes to try for a more vocal tone. I decided to use it and it sounds really good in the circuit, plus custom hand wound.

The other change is the external knob. The Q control is pretty set and forget for me. I have always been a fan of Jerry Cantrell and I always loved his wah tone. In my research I found the his sweep knob is the same as the dimebag crybaby and is super easy to implement. It sets the toe down frequency of the wah and lets you have control over the range of the sweep. This makes it much more useable. I can go from a more vocal only range that's more mellow and dark or the full range of the sweep like a standard crybaby. Highly recommend mod for any wah really. Excuse the crappy tayda wire I was using back then😕 same old no film graphics as well. Also the knob is a custom brass knob from @peccary for that JC wah vibe.
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To not use the hand wound indicator, well...
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Nice job as always.🤘 Any chance you could share some information on the sweep mod?
sure thing. The sweep pot is a 5kb pot. Lug 1 of the sweep pot goes to ground, I moved the wire from lug 1 of the wah pot (ground ) to sweep one. Lugs 2&3 of the sweep pot go to lug 1 of the wah pot. that simple. half way on the sweep pot is the stock setting Centrell uses.