SOLVED Neurocyton bias help


Active member
Hey all!
I just rebuilt this pedal.
It’s passing audio, however im having some trouble biasing the JFETs. My trimmers only take the JFETs down to -5 or so. When they’re this low no audio will pass. However when they’re biased higher (like around -8 or so), it sounds more like a gated Fuzz, and only passes audio that’s louder (like a hard strum will pass but not a gentle plucked note) and it sounds really sputtery!
Can anyone advise? Should I try switching out the JFETs? Or any other recommendations?
You'll need to dial in all the JFETs at the same time to around 4.5-5V and then go by ear from there. Once you've got all 4 dialed in to the starting point, go back to the first one you did and check the voltage to make sure it was where you set it the first time. THey are all taking power from the same source so they will need to be retweaked.
You'll need to dial in all the JFETs at the same time to around 4.5-5V and then go by ear from there. Once you've got all 4 dialed in to the starting point, go back to the first one you did and check the voltage to make sure it was where you set it the first time. THey are all taking power from the same source so they will need to be retweaked.
Ah ok! Thank you.
And should all controls be set to max?
I’ll try this tonight and report back.

I’m also curious if it’s normal behavior for the pedal to not pass sound if the JFETs are biased incorrectly?
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Pedal is working now, thanks for the advice all. I have to say I don’t love how this one sounds though, kind of boxy and hard to find the sweet spot. I’m sure my bias job is not right on though. Between setting all 4 trim pots right, I found it very hard to get it dialed across the throw of the gain pot. I can get it sounding nice when maxed but then it sounds bad at lower gain settings 🤷

Much prefer the other amp in box clones I’ve built on here! I like the 5F6 clone I built a lot and I’m doing the RAH next.
I will continue tweaking of course.

Anyway! Marking this one solved.