SOLVED Paragon volume tone issues


New member
Just finished my first build from here: the full sized Paragon. Both sides work and it sounds great. But... the left side is behaving strangely. The tone pot also seems to be controlling the volume. I have a plastic cover on the tone pot so I know that it is not making contact with the volume. I checked every connection and everything is good and no solder bridges. Any idea what might be causing the interaction?
It would help if you could post some pictures of the board front and back, and some of your offboard wiring. It could be a resistor placed incorrectly or even a cold solder joint. Pictures will help us to help you.
I reflowed every major connection and replaced one of the ground wires because I singed it with the soldering iron and that did it. It works like a dream now. So I must have had one of those connections that looks good but really isn’t. Thanks for your help