Parentheses Mini


Breadboard Baker
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
I've seen this board toward the top of the list in the "most popular" section of the site. I wanted to see what all the fuss is about so I put it in my cart. That was over a year ago. I finally got the chance to put this one together and was not disappointed. It sat on my pedalboard unfinished until I decided to stop playing/practicing (the center of my attention currently) and finish up my many unfinished projects.

For those of you who don't know, under the hood this is a SHO, blendable Green Ringer, and Rat all in one. There's nothing super special about any of these (ok, maybe a Rat), but when combined in just the right way you can get some pretty gnarly sounds out of it.

So, pop an edible and play some good doom drones. You'll have tons of fun for a while. If you just need a rat then dial out the octave. I personally like a Rat in front of a dirty amp.

Took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do with enclosure artwork and overall I am pleased.
