PCBMount Pots/Switches and Board Clearance


New member

I am working on designing my first PCB with PCBmount pots (was originally wiring offboard panelmount). I would like to know any tips or precautions people have when working with PCBmount?

In particular, I am curious if I mix PCBmount pots with solder lug switches, will there be vertical clearance problems?

My pots are mounted on the backside of a two layer. The pots are 9mm Alpha RD901F-40-15R1-value. The board uses thru-hole components including 16V 470uF electrolytics (the tallest component).

The enclosure is 125B.
Based on the data sheet that I just took a look at, you might be able to get way with it. You might not be able to set the pot flush on the pcb though. The legs may need to not be in all the way to clear it.

Data sheets are great btw! A lot of times there are links to them on the product page where you ordered it.
Generally you're good.
Things to note:
Make sure your switches have threaded collars and that the collar's threads match in height to the 16mm pots(assuming you're using 16mm and not 9mm).
Note there are mini and micro toggles and they don't have the same footprint-see datasheets
Pay attention to your layouts and don't surround you pot and switch lugs with taller components. Pots can be soldered from the top side but switches can't. The same goes for your off board input pads(power/signal). Don't want those to wind up under a pot.
Again, look at what others use regularly.
Based on the data sheet that I just took a look at, you might be able to get way with it. You might not be able to set the pot flush on the pcb though. The legs may need to not be in all the way to clear it.

Data sheets are great btw! A lot of times there are links to them on the product page where you ordered it.
Yeah I keep a folder of them and they're usually great for designing footprints in KiCAD. However, I've found switches and pots to be hit or miss. I'm also just not that accustomed to interpreting mechanical dimensions.