Power Supply issue


I recapped my Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 as one of the caps was bad. Whole I was at it, I replaced all the power regulators too (LM317LZ)

On one channel the voltage drops from 9.2~ to anywhere from 3.5v to 4.5v. Could this be the bridge rectifier going tits up?
I recapped my Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 as one of the caps was bad. Whole I was at it, I replaced all the power regulators too (LM317LZ)

On one channel the voltage drops from 9.2~ to anywhere from 3.5v to 4.5v. Could this be the bridge rectifier going tits up?
If it's alternating, possibly. Could also be a bad/reversed cap or a bad trace(burnt).
Edit to add:
It would be odd for the bridge rectifier to go as a result of a capacitor dying since it is before the capacitors.