Relay Bypass Circuit Details


Well-known member
@PedalPCB I'm looking at the relay bypass board and considering using it in a couple projects. What's the purpose of the 2N3904?

I was reading up about Relay Bypass on the Coda-Effects blog. He has a post about anti-pop where he mutes the signal for about 40ms by sending the effect output to ground for via a photoFET. I was wondering if the 2n3904 here serves a similar purpose. If not, do you have another way to combat switch popping, or have you noticed any issues?

Here's the article if anyone feels like reading (he has a few about his whole relay bypass process).
The 2N3904 is used to pull the LED SW pad low coming from the main PCB.

There is no built in anti-pop circuitry, but so far there have been no reports of popping.
I have used the relay board on a couple of projects (Chaos Machine and Hydra Delay) with no popping.
I suspect it would depend the the effect but I've used it on 3 projects now and all are completely silent. I use the Coda in a lot of builds but I REALLY like the easy momentary function in this board.