OTHER Request: Paragon Mini Tayda drill template...


Active member
Gudday all. I haven't been able to find a Paragon Mini drill template.... does anyone have one lying around?

I was looking for this too. Thanks @Big Monk . Any chance you can share it rather than a picture? I have no idea how to do that by the way ;-)
Prettty easy. When you're in the Tayda Box Tool site, you have your list of saved template on the right side, and each have a share icon next to it.
Capture d’écran 2022-05-25 à 07.36.47.png
Once you click on it, it will give you a shareable link to the already filled template that you can then modify for different DC, LED, etc holes.
Capture d’écran 2022-05-25 à 07.37.15.png
To be honest I did as @Big Monk said and did it manually. Super easy to do and used my own sizes for components. All in all it look less that 5 mins.
Most of what I had drilled, I inputed manually (as they didn't exist/before the share option), but it's convenient to have the option to directly have it filled as someone already did and tried it.