IN PROGRESS Retro-fit Clean Blend

I know I ordered prototypes but I'm not sure where I put them...

I was cleaning up my parts the other day and found the components I ordered for it, but I have no idea where the PCBs are.

I might have to reorder them. 🤦‍♂️
Thanks for letting us know. I’m sure you’ve got a lot of stuff to keep track of. As a bass player this would ba a HUGE deal for me.
I try to avoid going smaller than 0805 for hand assembly unless it's just not possible for some reason.

I built the first THAT4305 Adapter module with 0402's but that was just a prototype before having them fabricated.

It's doable but you really don't want to... :ROFLMAO:
This one is 100% clean <-> 100% wet.

I could work an alternate version for a fixed/variable blend though..... you know... if I could manage to keep up with them.

Well, I suppose it is tough keeping up with our joneses, but it seems enough people are jonesing for this to warrant building it and they (with the joneses) will come and fill your order-form field of S&M SMD -dreams.