Silicone Topcoat Wire - Exists?


Well-known member
Now that Barry's Best hookup wire is officially RIP, I'm trying some different styles/brands. I think it makes sense to stick with stranded 24awg since I work with different sized pads from pcbs to stripboard to perf. The Weico from AES is nice, and I was looking at some of those Remington assortments too.

I've noticed that although the stranded silicone-sleeved wire I've found is tinned, it doesn't have a topcoat that bonds all of the little whiskers together - that's important. The wires that do have a topcoat all seem to have PVC jackets, like the Weico and Remington.

Why is that? I'd love to have some 24awg stranded, topcoat wire with a soft, heat-resistant jacket. I could of course just tin the ends of some non-topcoat silicone wire, but it's a little too noodle-like without that topcoat running along the entire length. I need it to kinda hold its shape somewhat, especially in stripboard builds.
Fire off some emails to, and request sample packs from:

(alas, PVC, didn't see a silicone option but wasn't looking for it either)

...and whatever other wire-companies you can sniff out.

I'm not entirely sure, but I thought Barry was sourcing his wire from Alphawire.

I've got a bit of the pre-bond left, but I've been using some other stuff that's not prebonded (got it on sale) and the PVC outer melts if you stare at it too hard — but that's what I've been using and just as Nostradoomus says: stripping down, getting twisted, and bonding with that wire.