Do you take any anti-static measures? Trying to see if I'm overestimating the risk of NOT using a wrist strap and/or dissipative mat...
I've had a MOSFET transistor that was junked because of ESD, so I think the threat is real unless it was just a bad transistor.
However, since then ... so far I've been careful enough with my ICs.
This past winter I finally got some proper humidifier action going which helped reduce static tremendously, though still present.
Now that spring sproinged and the furnace isn't running as much (so neither is the humidifier), I've noticed an increase in static again, getting shocks from switching on/off lights, screen-door handle to let the dog out, and ESD while petting the dog herself. I'm talking visible arcs in broad daylight, not always, but sometimes enough of a charge builds to not just feel it but to see it.
I considered getting a grounded silicon mat, but haven't purchased one yet. (may still get one yet);
what I currently use seems to be sufficient:
- Wrist strap, as
Msr Klippton noted, and
- ESD-resistant tweezers/bamboo-chopstick (or wood)/and other ESD-resistant implements;
- Bamboo chopping block instead of a mat (have a green cutting mat under the chopping block).
I suppose it depends on where you live and other factors (hardwood flooring or fully-carpeted home?) as to how bad ESD affects each individual;
I certainly think I've got ESD-trouble not as bad as others, but worse than some fellow builders here. The dry, cold, high-prairie is a "breeding ground" for ESD.
I've had to taker a break from building for a few months. Hoping I can get back on builds amidst all the spring chores, will report back here if any ESD-changes are for the worse.
ESDrama-king signing off