Spatialist - Distorted Sound


New member
Longtime lurker, first time poster—LED comes on, sound comes through on bypass, when pedal is engaged the signal is distorted with audible attempts at reverberation. Program switch engages variations of modulated distortion. Attaching photos of build—things to note, placed switch on the wrong side, and had to remove and insert new one on correct side, C7 cap. is socketed because i didn't have the correct value and wanted to test with a slightly higher cap, currently have the correct value in (15p.) Have yet to probe it as my experience with probing is very limited. Any help would be appreciated.


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Longtime lurker, first time poster—LED comes on, sound comes through on bypass, when pedal is engaged the signal is distorted with audible attempts at reverberation. Program switch engages variations of modulated distortion. Attaching photos of build—things to note, placed switch on the wrong side, and had to remove and insert new one on correct side, C7 cap. is socketed because i didn't have the correct value and wanted to test with a slightly higher cap, currently have the correct value in (15p.) Have yet to probe it as my experience with probing is very limited. Any help would be appreciated.
1) ensure the backs of the pots are not touching the back of the board. these should be insulated from each other. plastic pot seal covers exist for this:

try the pedal engaged with zero wet/100% dry mix (mix knob turned all the way down) - how is it? should be a clean pristine signal.

if you have a multimeter, measure voltages at each pin of the active components - particularly the TL074, and 3.3V regulator (L78L33) - i would recommend trimming the legs shorter on that thing too.
(post the voltages here in a list)
If your 3.3V supply is good and you have a clean signal with the Mix control turned all the way down:

Connect a jumper wire between this point and ground then see if the distortion is still present in the wet signal.

Checking back in w/ readings for all ICs; jumper wire between highlighted point on 10k resistor did not resolve distortion in wet signal.

IC1 *TL074CN subbed for TL074

1 4.35
2 4.36
3 4.36
4 8.74
5 4.01
6 4.36
7 4.36
8 4.36
9 4.36
10 4.32
11 0.7
12 4.36
13 4.36
14 4.37

IC 2 24LC32A

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 4.3
6 4.3
7 0
8 4.3


1 2.259
2 2.269
3 2.269
4 0
5 0
6 4.50
7 0
8 4.53
9 2.11
10 1.84
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 4.50
15 4.5
16 4.56
17 0
18 0
19 0
20 1.36
21 2.0
22 1.6
23 4.4
24 0
25 0
26 0
27 2.24
28 2.23

IC 6 L78L33

1 4.53
2 0
3 8.74

Thanks for all the responses.
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No audio at all on C3 or C6?

That would indicate something's screwy with Pin 7 of the TL074, and with nothing at C3 nor C6 you effectively shouldn't have ANY signal getting to the output jack.
I'd touch up the solder on pin 7, as well as both C3 and C6. If still not working...

Try replacing the TL074?