It is an L7805 voltage regulator. It does have the same pinout as the L78L05, but with you pointing it out, I realized I had it in backwards. I flipped it, and it is now outputting 5 volts. It's fixed a few of my problems, but not all unfortunately.
It doesn't output any sound at all, regardless of the switches. As well, the reverb LED does not turn on. The tremolo led does light (it flashes based on the speed knob, my understanding is that that is normal), which it didn't before I flipped my regulator. I have 9V coming in at the input jack, the 9V goes to the Reverb LED, and even shows about a 1.5V drop across it (I've changed the LED to make sure it isn't burned out and flipped it to make sure it isn't backwards, I'm not sure why it's not lighting). Each of the TL072s have +-4.5V on their VCC pins. JRC chip had about 8.3V on VCC+ and 0 on VCC-.
If there's other points that would be helpful for me to probe let me know, again without a schematic I'm feeling less sure where to look. I know I can check all the electrolic caps, but seeing the other points makes me think those DC values are what they should be.