Status LED question for Muroidea (Rat) build


Hey all - noob question here. Since I've only been doing this for a few months, I've got a lot of questions.

Got a Muroidea PCB build slated to reuse some parts from another build that I scuttled. One of the parts is a Tayda 3pdt board that all ready has a blue 5mm status LED and resistor in it.

if I want to use this as is, do I need to do anything other than leave the LED off the Muroidea PCB? Just wanted to know if I need to add jumpers or change resistor values anywhere to compensate.

As I said before - noob builder, noob question. Thanks!

You wouldn't need to jumper anything Chris just leave the LED and CLR (R10) off the muroidea pcb

As long as you have power and ground going to your 3PDT board to light the LED and wire your board and jack in and outs correctly it'll be fine