SOLVED Terrarium - No sound out of it..


New member
hi everybody, first post here
I have built a Terrarium, but I cannot get any sound out of it...I have built a lot of Eurorack Modules and other synth/Stuff... but really cannot understand what is wrong with this pedal. No audio at all, not even when the pedal is bypassed
I can program the Daisy Seed normally. It powers up correctly (at least the red LED is on). I have loaded the "test" program (it works), CloudSeed and Rythmic Delay. Always no sound...

Here's what I have checked:
-Orientation of the TL072 is OK, so is the Diode and the Electrolytical capacitor
-In and Out Jacks and their lugs are ok.
-9V DC in is OK and the Daisy powers up, the LED respond if the Footswitch is pressed...
-pots are not touching anything (see the red tape under them...)

I attach a couple of pics. I have used some ceramic instead of film capacitors, but this should make a huge difference, at least that's what I believe 🙃
Also, my pots have an ON/OFF switch, but the pot taper should behave normally and indipendently from the switch...

ANY advice is appreciated, thanks!

terrarium1.jpg terrarium2.jpg
gosh, after testing all voltages, checking all components I have found the cuplrits
it was those damn 1uF capacitors!
I had a bag of capacitors which was incorrectly labeled as "1uF", but the actual code printed on the small yellow capacitors was "180", so basically I have 18pF capacitors instead of 1uF (quite a big difference)

I only had some SMD leftowers, I soldered a blob of solder and temporarily replaced them. Voilà, everything now works !!!!

