One of the easier builds I've completed, just take your time drilling as there are a lot of holes on this one, Used a dremel and cutting wheel to make the hole for USB and cleaned up with files. Tested a few programs and worked fine first try.
Now to learn how to write some new effects for it...
Hi ITG6. Nice build. Do you have a list of materials with links to the products for this build. I am having trouble finding the right pots and switches. Thanks.
I have been eyeing this but I’m just sure how to do the programming on the seed. I have to do some more reading before I make up my mind on when to jump in... how are you liking it? Are you finding good resources for decent sound effects?
I have been eyeing this but I’m just sure how to do the programming on the seed. I have to do some more reading before I make up my mind on when to jump in... how are you liking it? Are you finding good resources for decent sound effects?
There's a decent amount of resources on the Daisy portion of this forum, I've linked a few different .bin files as well so you don't need to have anything coded before being able to play around with it